[English Lyrics] Who are Kagamines? I checked them out!
Hello, I’m Ann-Melts P (アンメルツP).
I’ve added English subtitles to my YouTube video “Who are Kagamines? I checked them out!”.
I’ve used several reputable translation software, mainly “DeepL Translation”,
but if there are any fatal mistakes, please let me know!
(Pardon my little mistake.)
The song isn’t a singing word(lyrics), it’s a spoken word, like a blog, so it’s relatively easy to translate.
But I think the other songs are a bit difficult, so please bear with me.
“Who are Kagamines? I checked them out!”
Lyrics/Compose/Arrangement: gcmstyle (Ann-Melts P)
Song by Kagamine Rin/Len
Who is Kagamine Rin?
Who is Kagamine Len?
You’ve been seeing their names a lot lately, haven’t you?
I checked them out!
Kagamine Rin/Len, released in 2007, is a dual role with the same voice actor.
They’re instruments, and they’re characters!
They didn’t sing very smoothly first, but with technology and effort they improved.
Now they are used by Vocalo-P in various music genres.
Rin has a taut voice that is just as appealing as the song’s accompaniment.
Len’s powerful voice from the bottom of his belly can express composer’s true feelings.
They are second best, for better or worse, in the upheaval.
But they seem to be doing it freely.
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It’s no wonder they’re so popular!
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We can’t wait to see what they do in the future!
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Now that we know them…
The next one I’m interested in is “their relationship”!
Family, friends, or…?
I did some research right away!
The first image I found was…
Are they playing a friendly game at home?
They’re seeing the same scene, but the subtle differences in reaction are precious!
This one’s blushing…
Well, that’s a strange distance, isn’t it?
Adolescent 14 years old, the way they look so nervous is awesome!
Now…they’re breaking up!
Len waving, Rin crying…it’s heartbreaking…
A little retro in clothes?
What has happened to the two of them!
Here’s something I’d like to introduce you to if you like this song!
It’s the best way to let them song!
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I checked it out, but I didn’t really understand it!
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What the hell is going on here?
I’m curious!
I looked into it further.
Now in the classroom…
Len looks bored and is taking Rin’s class.
The age difference and the gap makes me crazy!
Anime or fairy tale world?
She’s still an apprentice wizard and is on a journey with the fated warrior.
It’s dazzling to see!
And so on…
- mirror image
- Two people fighting over right and wrong.
- co-dependency
- husband and wife
- stranger
All of them look great!
The last thing we reached was the two of them singing in harmony.
And there is someone that watches over them with tender eyes…
It’s “YOU”!!!
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I checked it out, but I didn’t really understand it!
Did you like it? Did you like it?
Because “you can make their relationship what you want it to be”!
Did you like it? Did you like it?
It was truly an amazing truth!!!
Did you like it? Did you like it?
I’m sure you’ll find it helpful in the future!
Sponsored Links.
Advertisement says:
“This is going to ruin the musical instrument school!”
What is the secret of how he went from having no guitar experience to performing at the Budokan in one week?Notice:
– There are individual differences in effectiveness.
– The guitars on this song are all software synthesizers.
Here’s something I’d like to introduce you to if you like this song!
You don’t even need a computer to draw them!
“The latest tablet with a stylus” (Developed by Banana)
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You can make their relationship what you want it to be!
Did you like it? Did you like it?
It’s no wonder they’re so popular!
Did you like it? Did you like it?
Let’s keep them both active in the future!
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アンメルツP(gcmstyle / 安溶二)
ボカロP。鏡音リン・レンなどのVOCALOID(広義)を歌わせたオリジナル曲・カバー曲を2008年から作り続けています。代表作にゲーム『プロジェクトセカイ』収録の高難易度曲「人生」、著書に『ボカロビギナーズ!ボカロでDTM入門 第二版』(インプレス)など。